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“A resolver”; Senado tiene plan B para elección judicial en caso de que Comité del PJ desacate resolución: Noroña
No hay enfrentamientos en el Poder Judicial: Mónica Soto; defiende denuncia contra juez que frenó actividades del Comité del PJ
Corte detemina que uso de animales para ritos es crueldad animal y debe ser castigado; resolución no viola libertad de culto
“Billy” Álvarez asegura ser un preso político; pide “benevolencia” ante acusaciones de lavado y delincuencia organizada
Presupuesto para migrantes le corresponden a Sheinbaum: Comisión en Diputados; SHCP podría aumentarlos a favor de repatriados
Comisión en San Lázaro prevé ratificar Ley del Infonavit sin modificaciones; Comités serán tripartitas: Morena
A video released on social media evidenced how greedy Mexican politicians are, just like another video did 16 years ago. The images released yesterday don’t show officials who occupy a relevant place in politics; however, the recording is perhaps a prelude to other recordings that involve high-ranking politicians engaging in corruption acts during the previous administration.
Just like in 2004 when businessman Carlos Ahumada gave millions to Mexico City officials, back when Andrés Manuel López Obrador was mayor, the new video shows two former Senate workers counting large amounts of money, which they allegedly delivered to senators to ensure the approval of a series of structural reforms proposed by Enrique Peña Nieto .
Since the first incident, the country has not shown much progress in the management of public resources or the fight against corruption. For years, the same practices have prevailed in politics: power is used to benefit a few.
What will take place in Mexico in the upcoming weeks and months is a series of video scandals. Nevertheless, Mexicans hope this time the videos won’t be used for political purposes amid the 2021 elections or as a way to distract the attention from the COVID-19 and economic crisis.
Recommended: Mexico's Stele of Light is tainted by corruption
What changed after the 2004 tapes were released? What will change now that it was revealed how easily illicit money entered the Senate? What measures will the government implement to eradicate corruption? Or will nothing happen and the country will see another corruption case in one or two decades?
Any measure against corruption must come from the political class, which has always shown resistance. For example, lawmakers and senators haven’t reached a consensus regarding a budget cut for political parties.
The revelations made during Emilio Lozoya ’s case will expose the corruption networks that reign in Mexican politics. Society will be paying attention to the case and wonder if it will set a precedent.