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What seemed to be the aim of Mexico’s immigration policy, which prevailed in 2019 , was confirmed by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs yesterday.
The deportation of Central Americans , especially those from Guatemala , increased by 11% in 2019; this means Mexico deported 49,000 Central Americans in 2019. That same year, the deportation of Salvadorans and Hondurans also increased by 39% and 40%.
Last year, Mexico adhered to the U.S. migration policy that focuses on halting migration from Central American countries and deployed officers to its borders , in order to prevent the immigrants from crossing into the U.S.
Although immigration should be carried out in an orderly manner, Mexico is now adopting the same harsh measures it criticized years ago when undocumented immigrants from Mexico crossed into the U.S., including the implementation of detention centers , where there is no medical attention and food is scarce, as well as deportation .
For Mexico, immigration is a perplex issue: Be intolerant towards Central American immigrants and deport them, the same was the U.S. has treated Mexican immigrants? Or how to protect them with resources that are not enough to help Mexicans? No choice will be universally praised and accepted. Perhaps this is why the Mexican government decided to promote the development of Central America through financial aid, although the results are not evident yet. However, the U.S. has yet to implement similar programs in Guatemala , El Salvador , and Honduras .
Moreover, deportations are surrounded by injustice . The most recent case is Rocío Rebollar , a 50-year-old Mexican, who spent the last 31 years in the U.S. and who was recently deported , even when she is a businesswoman and her son is a lieutenant in the U.S. army.
Although Mexico can’t host and welcome all immigrants , the government has to treat the Central Americans with respect, it’s the least it can do.