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Mexico’s National Fishing Team won two silver medals at the 14th World Bass Fishing Championship , held at the El Cuchillo Dam , in the China municipality within the state of Nuevo León .
More than 120 experts from 15 countries took part in the competition , according to a statement from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) .
The event was endorsed by the International Sport Fishing Confederation, the International Federation of Sport Fishing in Fresh Water, the National Sports Commission (CONADE) and the state government .
At the award ceremony, the head of CONAPESCA, Mario Aguilar Sánchez , commented that "events of this magnitude and the international recognition they entail, are the result of the great efforts" of the federal administration to promote the practice of sport fishing .
He recalled that Mexico now ranks sixth place worldwide among the most visited nations of the world . He claimed that the promotion program sought to add sport fishing to the country’s tourist capital.
He added that thanks to its climate and privileged geography, in Mexico it is possible to fish throughout the year in several regions of the national territory .
"The abundance of highly prized species places our country among the main international destinations to practice sport fishing, highlighting that more than half of the world records are captured in our waters ."
The countries participating in the referred tournament were Mexico, Germany, Canada, South Korea, Costa Rica, Croatia, Spain, United States, Eswatini, Italy, Namibia, Portugal, Serbia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe .
In the final team score, after two days of the competition, the United States team won the Gold medal, Mexico achieved the second place and Italy achieved the third place, while the fourth place went to South Africa and the fifth was for Canada .
In the classification by pairs, Mexico won second place and the U.S. team won the first place.