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The Attorney General's Office (FGR) announced that Argentinian - Mexican businessman Carlos Ahumada Kurtz has not been exonerated of the crimes he has been accused of in Mexico and revealed that the extradition process will continue.
Two days after Carlos Ahumada was released by a judge in Argentina , Mexican authorities revealed that Ahumada has yet to pay the MXN $1,400,000 he omitted from his annual declaration of income tax (ISR) from 2012 , nor the fines and penalties .
Mexican authorities
said that in 2016 , during the previous administration, the Finance Ministry filed a lawsuit for implied tax fraud before the Federal Public Ministry ( MPF ) against Carlos Ahumada because he did not present his 2012 declaration of income tax , and as a result, Ahumada did not pay MXN $1,400,000 in taxes .
also explained that in March 2017 , during the Peña Nieto administration, the former General Prosecutor's Office, now known as the FGR , took legal action against Ahumada and that a judge now issued an arrest warrant against him because “during the current administration, all the cases in regards to tax fraud were resumed, [the FGR ] requested the Interpol [to issue] the alert known as the “red notice ” against said person.”
The Interpol searched for Ahumada and Argentinian authorities then detained Ahumada .
The FGR has 60 days to formally issue an arrest warrant , following the rules set in the extradition treaty signed by Mexico and Argentina in 2013 .