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The Mexican government proposed to Ibero-American countries to join the creation of a collective strategy with which they can prevent actions like the one that happened last August 3rd in El Paso, Texas , when a white supremacist assassinated 20 people, 8 of them Mexicans.
Yesterday, Marcelo Ebrard , Mexico's foreign minister, got together with at least 22 ambassadors and diplomatic representatives of Ibero-America to warn about the need to perform actions that protect Hispanic communities in the United States.
It is about a defense of cultures that must be a priority because remaining silent will lead to another hit, he said.
“It’s evident that media coverage says there is danger, but the question is: What are we going to do? The first thing I want to share with you is that the main promoter of the next hit is called silence ; not saying anything and not doing anything will enable another attack,” warned the chancellor.
The Mexican government considered that there are legal bases in American laws and international resolutions to classify White Supremacy as a kind of terrorism , which as any other should be pointed out, repudiated, prevented, fought, and punished .
The meeting, that took place in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) , was attended by representatives of Argentina, Belice, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, España, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Ebrard Casaubon also talked about the attack of El Paso, Texas, a shooting in a mall in which the shooter confessed he was targeting Mexicans .
What happened, Ebrard added, represents a turning point in the protection of Hispanic communities in the United States, since it is a domestic terrorist attack, based on a speech of xenophobia against Ibero-American communities.
The head of Mexican foreign affairs qualified the defense of cultures in the exterior as a common priority.
He invited Ibero-American countries to join a collective strategy to face what is happening with Hispanic communities in the United States.
The head of the SRE explained that the objective is to warn of the risks involved in the ideology of White Supremacy to the integrity of Hispanic communities in American territory and their co-living with other groups.
“White Supremacy intimidates our compatriots, it harms and threatens their integrity. It also fuels the hatred against them and denies their contributions to the American economy and society,” he said.
Diplomatic representatives that participated in the meeting repudiated the attack in El Paso, Texas, and joined the Mexican government in s olidarity .
A new meeting will be held next August 28th in the facilities of the SRE , so as to follow up with a common Ibero-American strategy .
Foreign Affairs disclosed that Ebrard Casaubon was grateful for the sympathy and the solidarity of the ambassadors and diplomatic representatives that attended the meeting, as well as those expressed by the U.S. government, whose priorities have show disposition to bring justice for the Mexican victims of the attack in El Paso.
In the next weeks, Hispanic organizations will be convened to participate in an assembly in which they hope to implement actions for the defense of Latino communities in the U.S.
Some of the organizations that will be convened are the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) , Unidos US , the League of United Latin American Citizens , the educational fund Naleo , the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce , Chicanos for the Cause , the Foundation of Hispanic Heritage , as well as the United States Institute of Hispanic Leadership .