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Nuevo León’s Health Minister Manuel de la O Cavazos informed that, along with Tec Salud, the ministry will participate in a research protocol to monitor the effectiveness and safety of a German COVID-19 vaccine among 2,500 local volunteers.
He said that the vaccine, which is currently in phase 2, is being developed by the German laboratories Biotech which selected Colombia, Chile, Argentina, and Mexico – specifically Nuevo León – for the multicenter study.
He explained that in collaboration with Dr. Guillermo Torre Amioni, director of Tec Salud, they are doing the corresponding paperwork at Mexico’s Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), so that said research protocol is performed in the state.
Meanwhile, Nuevo León has surpassed 3,000 COVID-19-related deaths with 40 daily deaths in the past month. The death toll among elderly people surpasses 23% of those who contract the viral disease.
According to information from the state’s Health Ministry, as of September 13, there were 56,502 COVID-19 cases in Nuevo León , as well as 3,028 deaths.
The hardest-hit group by coronavirus has been that of people older than 60 years, since 1,816 from 7,809 people who contracted the disease, that is, 23.26%, were elderly people.
Likewise, a total of 15,654 people aged 45 to 59 have contracted COVID-19, and 905, which is 5.81%, of them, have died.
25,821 people aged 252 to 44 have contracted the new virus and 277 of them have died, which represents 1.07% of those patients.
Meanwhile, 0.33% of patients with COVID-19 aged 19 to 24, that is, 24, have died from a total of 1,424 cases.
The group of people aged 11 to 18 has registered 1,235 coronavirus cases and five deaths, which represent 0.4%.
Finally, the group aged 0 to 10 has confirmed 559 infections and seven deaths that represent 1.25%