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The Attorney General's Office (FGR) has asked a judge for a hearing to formally accuse Rosario Robles , a former high-ranking official during the Peña Nieto administration , for the alleged improper use of public office.
Moreover, the FGR is looking to bind Robles over to trial for this accusation , which was a result of the so-called “Master Fraud,” a system through which millions were allegedly diverted through universities.
The request for a hearing was issued on July 25 and the FGR told the judge that as an indirect victim of the crime allegedly committed by Robles, the Federal Superior Auditor should be notified through its legal representative, Hilario Elías .
The hearing has been scheduled for August 8.
Today, Robles issued a statement through social media. She said that she learned about the accusations through media reports :
What is the Master Fraud?
The Master Fraud is one of the most notorious fraud in Mexican history as it allegedly involves 11 federal agencies, which were allegedly used to divert millions during the Peña Nieto administration.
The three main alleged accomplices of the massive fraud were the Social Development Ministry (Sedesol) , led by Rosario Robles ; the National Bank of Public Works and Services (Banobras) , and Pemex , then led by Emilio Lozoya .
The Federal Superior Auditor found that the federal government allocated contracts for MXN $7,670 million to over 100 companies, nevertheless, 128 of those companies lacked the infrastructure and legal existence to provide the services they were obliged to or they simply didn't exist.
During the Peña Nieto administration , Robles also led the Agrarian, Territorial, and Urban Development Ministry (Sedatu) , which according to the Federal Superior Auditor, this ministry was also part of the scheme to divert millions .
In its last 2018 Public Account report , the Federal Superior Auditor deduced that the other federal agencies linked to the Master Fraud were only intermediaries in the operation because the majority of the transactions were carried out through the Sedesol and Sedatu ; both ministries were led by Rosario Robles .
In its report, the Federal Superior Auditor found irregularities during Robles' administration at the Sedatu for at least MXN $2,377 million, as well as MXN $340,983 million in 2017; the resources were allegedly diverted through triangulation operations that involved public universities .
The Federal Superior Auditor found that the Sedatu inappropriately spent MXN $1,173 million; the final destiny of this resources could not be traced.
