The , the and the have announced they will toughen health measures among the migrant population so as to prevent the massive transmission of COVID-19 .

Through a statement, they said that given the cancelation of the flights of the , the INM will reinforce its attention capacity to receive co-nationals through different ports of entry in Mexico’s northern border.

In addition, to prevent the possible spread of coronavirus among Mexicans, during their stay in U.S. migrant control stations , it has been decided that in the ports of entry to Mexico – enabled to perform repatriations under the Local Repatriation Arrangements (ALR) – the opening hours will be extended to attend co-nationals.


“The latter with the purpose of them staying the shortest possible time in a situation of detention ; the repatriation of vulnerable people will remain without changes and according to the ALR,” they added.

The INM , the SEGOB , and the SRE also mentioned that they will hold direct coordination with the U.S. agencies involved in the repatriation process of Mexicans so that it is done safely and in a regular and orderly manner.



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