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Dan 11 años de cárcel a maestro de secundaria por violación a alumna en la CDMX; investigación inició en 2022

Él es “El Barbas” lugarteniente del CJNG en Michoacán; intento de detención deja 3 muertos y ola de violencia en Zitácuaro

Consulados preparados para defender dignidad de los mexicanos, afirma De la Fuente; protegerán derechos de connacionales

“Amenaza de deportaciones es real”, dice Ricardo Anaya; hay ingenuidad en gobierno de México, señala

Suman tres periodistas asesinados en cuatro meses; México, de los países más peligrosos para el periodismo
Mexico's Office of the Attorney General ( PGR ) will request the extradition of César Duarte, after announcing three warrants of arrest have been issued against the former Chihuahua Governor for charges related to corruption and electoral fraud .
Alberto Elías Beltrán
, head of the Office of the Attorney General, confirmed his office is currently working on the last details to officially submit the extradition request to the INTERPOL. Beltrán claimed Mexican authorities have leads as to the whereabouts of Duarte, however, they have left out this information to avoid a possible flight. According to Chihuahua authorities, the former Governor could be in El Paso, Texas .
César Duarte has been accused of embezzlement and funding – with public resources – the electoral campaign of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) for the 2015 local elections.
In March 2017 , INTERPOL issued a red notice against the former Chihuahua Governor and has been looking for him in 190 countries.
In June 2017, a judge issued an arrest warrant for the alleged use of MXN$14 million (USD$750, 330) coming from public funds to finance the 2015 local election campaign of the PRI.