The fight against and is a complex challenge for Mexican authorities . Therefore, authorities have to listen to experts, NGOs led by women , and the victims themselves. While the measures receive support from the government, it will be more successful.

However, authorities also have to consider the numbers registered in regard to and . For example, in Mexico City , authorities have created 105 safe trails for women; almost a fourth of them are located in the Miguel Hidalgo municipality. The implementation of these safe trails goes against the numbers released by authorities.


Moreover, in the list of the 10 neighborhoods with the highest number of gender crimes in 2019, Cuauhtémoc and Benito Juárez stand out. The Centro and Doctores neighborhoods, both located in Cuauhtémoc , are on top of the list in regards to , sexual harassment, and . Why did authorities create safe trials in safer neighborhoods instead of in the more dangerous ones? Both victims and NGOs have questioned the measure, as they consider that while authorities create more safe trails by placing more lights on the street, others simply become more dangerous.

In the quest to guarantee more security for , every measure will help to reach a specific goal; however, the decisions made in Mexico City and others should focus on official numbers.


Despite a few positive developments, the official numbers released by EL UNIVERSAL today show the harrowing effects of . When a woman is murdered , the pain of the family doubles because after losing a loved one, they have to face long legal processes that make it seem like justice is a luxury . This is the case in several states such as Tabasco , Chiapas , Oaxaca , Guanajuato , and Colima , where investigations take between 5 and 7 years.

Gender violence

, , and will be eradicated once authorities , lawmakers , legislators , judges , and society join the movement to halt these heinous crimes .



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