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Every country has to charge taxes in order to provide quality services to society , such as education and healthcare , nevertheless, some countries obtain more resources than others.
According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) , the percentage of resources Bobtains through tax contributions is one of the lowest in Latin America , especially when compared with the total wealth on the country. This is the result of the inefficiency that has characterized tax offices and the fact that tax evasion has become widely popular in recent years. And although different administrations have tried to increase the tax collection percentage , they have never reached their goal.
In the face of this scenario, the Tax Administration Service (SAT) has outlined a different strategy to fight tax evasion, a phenomenon that causes an MXN $2 billion loss , according to the Fiscal Prosecutor . Now, the SAT will focus on a criminal activity that became popular in recent years: the emission of false invoices .
In late June, the SAT announced that 8,204 companies simulate commercial transactions , allowing irregularities for over MXN $354,000 million . Therefore, the federal government will implement harsher sentences for this crime . Congress is currently discussing a bill to label this crime as organized crime and lawmakers have announced that the reforms against tax evasion will be ready before the 2020 Revenue Law is ready in late 2019.
has revealed that the bill includes harsh measures: from protected witnesses and the interception of communications to infiltration to get to the head of the companies that provide false invoices .
f the current administration achieves its goal, Mexico will start to receive a higher percentage of tax contributions . Currently, the majority of tax contributions come from the captive sector, salaried employees , while large taxpayers have enough resources to find legal voids and pay fewer taxes or evade taxes .
The measures implemented will contribute to a better way to collect financial resources. The only risk is that there could be excesses when enforcing law s and justice.