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PAN cuestiona precio de la gasolina; "es un golpe directo al bolsillo de las familias mexicanas": Jorge Romero
Consulados de México en EU implementan acciones de apoyo a connacionales; inauguran primera ventanilla de salud en Cleveland
Senadores del PVEM llaman a no regalar mascotas en Día de Reyes; “no son objetos de temporada ni juguetes”, enfatizan
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, an artist and feminist activist , was murdered in Ciudad Juárez , in the state of Chihuahua . Her death was confirmed hours after she was reported as missing .
Isabel Cabanillas
was 26 years old, she was a fashion designer , painter , and a member of the group “ Daughters of our Working Mothers ” (" Hijas de Nuestra Maquilera Madre ").
On January 17, her family and friends reported she went missing . Her body was found the next day, with gunshot wounds .
On January 19, her family, friends, and feminist groups protested to demand justice for the young woman.