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Every sports event is better with a snack, and now, the United States is preparing to receive a copious amount of avocado from Mexico to make the traditional guacamole, a classic of the Super Bowl .
Every year, thousands of tons of avocado are exported from Mexico to meet the football fans’ demand in the days leading up to the most important sports event of the year.
According to the Association of Producers, Packers, and Exporters of Avocado from Michoacán (APEAM) , around 120 thousand tons of avocado will be shipped to the United States this year for the Super Bowl LIII .
Last year, around 100 thousand tons of avocado were exported to meet the U.S. demand , out of which 35 thousand tons were used for guacamole . Given the rising demand for this Mexican product, avocado producers decided to increase exports.
Furthermore, the APEAM pointed out that the only avocado certified by U.S. authorities was from Michoacán . Said market represents 85% of the so-called “green gold” exports.