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The increasing insecurity levels in Mexico City will be, without a doubt, the most complex challenge for the incoming local government . In regards to this topic, the outgoing administration is leaving a deplorable inheritance. The increase in the 2017 crime rate , 11.4% higher than in 2016, suggested what the most recent studies have confirmed as a worryingly increasing tendency in crime rate in the country's capital, to a degree that we hadn't seen in two decades.
According to the Crime Incidence Report from the Mexico City Observatory ( OCMX ), with data from 2018's second trimester , on average , 248 crimes take place every day in the country's capital.
Every day in Mexico City, 96 people are victims of robbery with violence , 40 passers-by are robbed , 44 robberies to businesses are registered every day, 12 reports of drug sales , 4 intentional homicides , 20 burglaries , 27 vehicles are stolen , 2 extortion cases, and one rape , along with 2 manslaughters.
Although there are only 3 crimes that have increased in comparison with the same period in 2017: robbery with violence , with increased by 23 cases ; drug-dealing increased with 7 more cases , and burglary with increased by 3 more cases , this panorama shouldn't appease us.
The report specifies that on a national level, the capital is the second place on robbery with violence , the third in robbery to businesses and passers-by . All these crimes greatly impact the quality of life of any citizen.
The proof is that in the public security survey made by the Inegi , revealed that 75.9% of Mexico City inhabitants feel unsafe in their city ; the northern and eastern areas in Mexico City are the ones perceived as the most unsafe.
Since January 2018
, as a consequence from insecurity, Mexico City dropped from the best cities to live in , holiday or have fun in Top 10 and was placed on the 15th place of the City Life Index , according to Forbes .
In the face of what many fear as a replay of other criminality scenarios sparked off by organized crime , experts have pointed out that the crime rate increas e in this city has been possible thanks to the lack of a timely response in case of crimes, and the absence of a real strategy against cri me. And also, of course, because we don't have police officers who really know the streets or that are well prepared .
Certainly, this growing crime phenomenon in Mexico City has to do with the g rowing presence of organized crime group s in the city, contrary to what the local government has declared in many occasions.
We will see how Claudia Sheinbaum's administration will face the huge challenge
of a city sunk in criminality.