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Mexico City
's government announced that at least 20 fires were registered in the city between May 10 and May 11.
Until now, 13 fires in pastures, 4 in vacant lots, two at homes, and one forest fire have been reported.
The local government revealed the 9 boroughs that have been affected the most:
1. Tlalpan , with three fires
2. Iztapalapa , with three fires
3. Milpa Alta , with three fires
4. Álvaro Obregón , with two fires
5. Magdalena Contreras , with two fires
6. Gustavo A. Madero , with two fires
7. Cuajimalpa , with two fires
8. Cuauhtémoc , with one fire
9. Xochimilco , with one fire
Through its Twitter account, Mexico City's Command, Control, Technology, Communication, and Citizen Contact (C5) informed about several of the fires that took place in the city over the weekend.
The forest fire was reported in the Iztapalapa borough, in the Estrella Hill.
It also informed about a fire of a pasture at the Yautlica ecological park, in Iztapalapa . Another pasture was on fire on at the Ermita Iztapalapa driveway.
In the Milpa Alta borough, there was a pasture fire on Friday.
On Friday night, Mexico City inhabitants noticed smoke and a burnt-like smell throughout the city and authorities claimed it was haze , bad air quality , and the result of meteorological conditions ; authorities later revealed there had been 20 fires in the area.
You can monitor all the active fires in Mexico and the world on this website .
Today, NASA released a picture of the fires in Mexico , as seen from space.