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and New Year’s Eve are now behind us and, though we know that you are still recovering from all the holiday binge-eating, today we bring you a new reason to make room and seriously consider joining a gym afterward: The 2019 ‘Rosca’ and Chocolate Festival!
The ‘Rosca de Reyes’ is a Mexican king’s cake pastry that is traditionally eaten on January 6 , during Kings' Day, as people gather to commemorate the arrival of the three Wise Men .
Admissions are free for the ‘Rosca’ and Chocolate Festival, which will take place from January 4 to 6 . There will be tastings of more than 100 types of king’s cake . Some of them are made of Nutella , caramelized goat’s milk , vanilla peach, and the traditional cream-filled ‘rosca.’ Naturally, you’ll be offered hot chocolate to accompany this delicious plate. Gluten-free pastries will also be offered at the event.
The festival will be open from 11 AM to 8 PM . Don’t miss your chance to try new ‘Rosca’ flavors!