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Yesterday, at EL UNIVERSAL’s 103 Women Leaders Forum , Mexico City mayor Claudia Sheinbaum claimed that her government would work to strengthen women’s economic autonomy, announcing a MXN$200 million investment for the creation of cooperatives and small businesses .
The left-wing stateswoman claimed that career women were an example for young girls to pursue careers and job positions that were usually reserved for men.
“Girls are seeing a change in women’s professional lives. The fact that women are becoming scientists, engineers, and elected officials, makes it easier for women to aspire to said job positions. Women’s rights will not be left out of the city government’s agenda,” she stated.
Sheinbaum Pardo assured that her government would revolve around three major axes to strengthen women’s rights : Empowerment, autonomy, and political freedom " so that we are not told what to think,” she added.
In that regard, she announced the construction of 300 ‘pillars’ for women to learn different professions such as plumbing and gardening .
Furthermore, she reminded that Mexico City’s DIF child care centers would be free of cost this year, and announced the implementation of an initial education system for children.
Regarding the issue of people’s access to justice, Sheinbaum reiterated that, starting this month, there would be at least one female lawyer working at each of the city’s Public Prosecutor’s offices to aid women in need of support.
The Mexico City government will also create a network of community women aimed at empowering social leaders for the promotion of women’s rights.
“Some say that March 8 is supposed to commemorate women’s struggles, but I would like to congratulate all of the brave women in the city,” she concluded.