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Government authorities from the state of Michoacán have officially launched the operation of Nopalimex , the first plant to generate biogas and electricity from the processing of nopal cacti in the country.
Located in the Zitácuaro municipality , the company operates with patented Mexican technology, generating electric power and fuel out of nopal biomass.
Nopalimex’s alternative fuel costs MXN$12 per cubic meter , which is equivalent to one liter. The biofuel can actually match the high-energy output of gasoline, though it is 40% cheaper and completely non-pollutant. It is also compatible with all types of vehicle, claimed the company’s technical director, Miguel Aké.
State governor Silvano Aureoles was in charge of formally inaugurating the plant. In the same vein, he announced that his government would work to promote the generation of biofuels throughout the state.
“I have promoted this great idea so that we can build a green park full of nopal cacti and biogas plants that extends from the Cuitzeo lake all the way to Lázaro Cárdenas , next to the Siglo XXI highway ,” he stated.
On the subject, the minister of Agriculture Development, Rubén Medina Niño , claimed that the whole idea is to spur the creation of similar plants in Huiramba and Huetamo . The state government also aims to promote the use of biofuels in public transportation units.
Through social media, the state government pointed out that other products such as ethanol and organic hummus could also be obtained from the plant and be used as fertilizers.
He added that their goal was to produce 3 million liters a year, which would cover 50% of Zitácuaro’s public transport fuel demand .