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The Institute of Geophysics ( Instituto de Geofísica abbreviated IGF ) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico ( Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México abbreviated UNAM ), Mexico's National Council on Science and Technology ( Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología abbreviated CONACYT ), Mexico's National Center for Disaster Prevention ( Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres abbreviated CENAPRED ), Kyoto University , Japan International Cooperation Agency ( JICA ), and the Japan Science and Technology Agency ( JST ) have launched a project within the Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development ( SATREPS ) that analyzes tsunami danger on the coast of Guerrero .
According to Miguel Angél Santoyo , IGF seismologist, the project is focused on the study of seismic hazard due to aseismic slips and tremors in surrounding areas of the Guerrero gap .
In November, a series of specialized instruments will be installed on the ground and at the seabed to measure the seismicity and the tremors in the region using highly advanced and highly accurate GPS ( Global Positioning System ) equipment along with frequency broadband seismographs as a follow-up to the advanced motion measurement techniques that are being applied to the Cocos and North American plates .