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It has been reported that at least 10 Mexican citizens have sued Walmart after a mass shooting at a store located in the U.S. border town of El Paso , in Texas . The terrorist attack resulted in the death of 8 Mexicans and left 8 more injured. On Wednesday, Mexico said Walmart didn't do enough to protect its customers.
In a statement, Mexico ’s Foreign Ministry said the lawsuit, which was filed in Texas state court in El Paso County , aimed to hold Walmart accountable “for not taking reasonable and necessary measures to protect its customers.”
“Through this lawsuit, the petitioners seek justice not only for themselves but also for security for the general public,” the Foreign Ministry said.
A spokesperson for Walmart said the company has yet to see a copy of the legal document and would respond to it in court .
“We will never forget this tragic event , and our condolences continue to go out to everyone who was affected,” the company said in a statement. “Safety is a top priority and we care deeply about our associates and customers.”
The lawsuit is being handled by the Law Office of Lynn Coyle , an El Paso-based firm, in collaboration with the Mexican consulate in the city. Lawyers at the firm did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
It was not clear what relation do the Mexican plaintiffs have to the El Paso shooting , although the Ministry noted that Coyle works with the victims of the shooting .
The Ministry’s statement did not explain on what grounds the plaintiffs seek to hold Walmart responsible for the attack .
The hate crime in El Paso , followed by a mass shooting in Ohio , sparked a political outcry , with El Paso native and former Democratic presidential contender Beto O’Rourke demanding the mandatory confiscation of the assault rifles , which are often used in mass shootings .

The Mexican government also condemned the shooting , describing it as an act of terrorism against Mexicans .
“The government of Mexico will continue to use all the resources at its disposal to prevent such incidents from recurring and repair the damages suffered by the victims ,” the Foreign Ministry.