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A little over 50% of the cars sold in Mexico are Asian-made, of which Japanese manufacturers take the first place. Nissan alone had 23.8% of the sales in 2017 and five of its models were among the top 10 best-sold cars last year.
Until 10 years ago, manufacturers such as Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors owned the market yet this trend has reverted and its now the Asian brands which reign supreme.
According to data by the Mexican Automotive Industry Association ( AMIA ), Korean and Japanese manufacturers sell the most cars in Mexico.
In 2017, out of the seven car manufacturers who had a sale increase in our country, five were Asian: Honda, KIA, Suzuki, Acura, and Isuzu.
U.S. manufacturers in trouble
According to José Luis de la Cruz, director of the Insitute for Industrial Development and Economic Growth, Asian cars have improved designs, better cost-technology ratio, and comprehensive financing plans, factors that have contributed to the displacement of U.S. manufacturers.
“The loss of strength of American brands is a problem that takes place within the American market itself,” he claimed.
Pursuant to the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA), in 2017 manufacturers such as Honda , Nissan , and Toyota also had a sale increase in the United States , whereas Ford, General Motors, and Fiat Chrysler experienced considerable sale drops.