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Health and economy are the areas that have been affected the most by the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, the person who faced and recovered from the illness then has to find a way to resume their economic activities. Sectors affected by the novel coronavirus include transport, entertainment, education, commerce, tourism, among many other industries; the pandemic didn’t affect very few areas.
In Mexico City, the economic situation reflected in the rent of apartments and homes. According to a study, two out of five leasing renovations were canceled. The pandemic has forced families to find cheaper alternatives, not pay their rent, or share an apartment with friends.
As the pandemic progresses and while society tries to resume their everyday activities amid a surge in contagions and death, people are sharing stories about how they are fighting on their own, without the support of government institutions, but with the help of family and friends.
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For example, Melisa and her sister rented an apartment. In less than four months, they both lost their jobs and could no longer pay the rent. Now Melisa moved into another apartment, where she only has her clothes and her computer, she sold all her furniture. Her sister moved to Cancun in hopes of finding new opportunities. Melisa, like thousands of people, is trying to overcome the economic crisis by venturing into a small business and hopes the situation improves.
On the other hand, children will return to school next week; however, they will do so through online classes. The return to classes takes place amid doubts and debts . In some communities, people ignore how will their children learn, in big cities, people report additional expenses like computers and internet services to that their children can enroll in distance learning.
The COVID-19 pandemic robbed many of their dreams and outlines an uncertain destiny for many others. Authorities provide financial aid to specific sectors, congresses take a long time to legislate important bills, and justice is delayed. The majority of Mexicans are surviving and overcoming the pandemic on their own. They face the tempest alone.