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Supermarket surplus foods
were the main ingredients used by Sofía Vallejo Dorantes , a student of Industrial Engineering of the Ibero American University , to create vegan croquettes for dogs .
With the project named “Cuddle,” Sofía Vallejo won second place in the entrepreneurship simulator TrempCamp , which took place at the University of San Diego .
The project, with the slogan “Cuddle your dog, cuddle the environment,” shows a positive environmental impact since it reuses fruits and vegetables in good conditions, according to a release of the Ibero American University .
Vallejo and her team have the right to compete for a pass to 4 Years From Now , a world congress in which investors can finance this kind of projects.
The team Vallejo Dorantes is made up of Manuel Zavala , student of Sustainable Development Engineering in the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM) campus Cuernavaca ; Sofía Viladons , student of Food Engineering of ITESM Querétaro ; Jimena Suárez , student of Mechatronics Engineering by La Salle University , and Raúl Gio , student of Mechatronics Engineering of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) .