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Once again, Mexicans have proven their loyalty to soccer. It is estimated that over 176,500 people will travel to Russia this summer through the online hospitality service Airbnb , and Mexico stands out with over 13,000 travelers who are willing to give their direct support to the tricolor team. The United States came at the top of the list with the most people to arrive in Russia between the months of June and July , followed by Mexico, Colombia , and Argentina .
Mexican travelers who will soon be stepping on Russian soil are mainly from Mexico City, Jalisco, and Nuevo León . The most popular destinations within the country are Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and Rostov-na-Donu , where the national team will be playing their first three matches. Furthermore, most of them will be traveling in groups of more than four people per lodging and will be staying for an average of four nights in each city.
The soccer fever has spread to other places in Latin-America; more than half of the 10 countries with travelers attending the World Cup are from Latin America, with Mexico at the top of the list, followed by Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, and Peru.
The ten cities with most visitors to the World Cup in Russia are Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Lima, New York, London, Miami, Medellín, Sydney , and Paris . The Mexican cities with the most football fans attending the Cup are Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Querétaro, Guanajuato, Puebla, Tijuana, Cancún, and Torreón .
“The fact that people from Latin America are football enthusiasts is well known, that’s why it’s no surprise that fans from this part of the world are willing to go on such a long journey just to cheer for their teams and join the celebration,” stated Jordi Torres Mallol , head of Airbnb in Latin America.