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Mexican pop singer Tatiana
has brought endless smiles to children from all over the world with her catchy tunes and remarkable voice. She is also known for working at foundations to help children with cancer.
However, on more than one occasion, the singer has been notified of the death of some of her fans. Such is the case of “ Gigi ,” a four year old girl who died of cancer just a few weeks ago.
Deeply moved and with tears in her eyes as she waited to receive a doctorate honoris causa at Mexico’s National Autonomous University (UNAM) , the famous Tatiana shared details of how she took the news.
“The foundation called me directly so that I would go and meet her, since it was one of her biggest wishes, and well, I cried a lot and I am still crying. I become very attached to children,” she stated.
“This is a very emotional day for me. This sort of thing really warms my heart because It’s not like I only go visit the children and sing to them, I get very involved,” she explained.
The singer commented that she kept track of her fans through WhatsApp because she believes music can convey happiness and other positive emotions.
“Doctors have said to me that music can help people get better, so I always hope that they will, eventually. There have been cases where I am notified of their death and parents have thanked me for bringing them happiness in their last few days of life.”
Wearing a cap and gown, Tatiana explained that her work with foundations such as Doctor Sonrisas (Doctor Smiles) was relevant, whether she made it public or not.
“Sometimes we don’t advertise it much because that is not what this is about, we don’t want people to say ‘oh, look, how pretty, she is helping people’,” she stated.
With a 35-year career , the famous singer of “El patio de mi casa” reaffirmed her responsibility while receiving the recognition from the Mexican Institute of Community Leaders, in presence of doctors Mario Cervantes and Jorge Arturo Fernández, among others.
“I’ve had a very long career and I felt that it has passed in the blink of an eye. I have been able to see all that I have accomplished thanks to my parents and my family. I couldn’t have made it without them.”
[DISCLAIMER]: Although the Mexican pop singer Tatiana was indeed given a honorary doctorate at UNAM's Law Faculty, the decoration was issued by the Mexican Institute of Community Leaders (Instituto Mexicano de Líderes de Excelencia) and not by the National University.
Since the news spread to several newspapers in Mexico, UNAM tweeted a disclaimer on Friday claiming that the institution had not given a honorary doctorate to the singer.
We apologize for any misunderstanding.