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Captan a Luis Videgaray en Washington previo a toma de protesta de Trump; reaparece en cena exclusiva del equipo del Presidente
Condena la ONU-DH asesinatos del periodista Calletano de Jesús y del defensor Sergio Cruz; exige investigaciones
Fernández Noroña rechaza declaración de Trump sobre cárteles mexicanos; “inaceptable una invasión militar”, afirma
“Irreal que vayan a deportar a millones de personas”; experta afirma que EU carece de recursos y sistema para enfrentarla
PRI y PAN exigen a Sheinbaum “postura firme” ante Trump; destacan apoyo a migrantes y una América del Norte más integrada
Legisladores de Morena y oposición reprueban acciones de Trump contra migrantes; llaman a la unidad nacional
Mexican Senate to discuss marijuana regulations
We've been told that Interior Minister Olga Sánchez Cordero didn't like the cannabis draft presented by Senator Julio Menchaca because it doesn't include her proposals. We've been told over half of Morena 's senators disagree with the draft and they will send a note to the Supreme Court to inform the court that they're legislating in this matter and prevent incurring in contempt. Morena's parliamentary leader, Ricardo Monreal , decided to delay the discussion until after November 2 so that negotiations continue, as the opposition has said that it won't pass the current draft ; this way, the bill wouldn't have the necessary votes to be approved.
Reporters pay for their travel expenses
Since Carlos Salinas de Gortari was President , the press started to pay them to cover the presidential tours . For three decades, after this newspaper launched an initiative, the press has been paying for its expenses during national and international tours so that society didn't pay for the private companies' expenses. This way, the President's office works with travel agencies , who are paid by media outlets, to make hotel reservations and hire transportation , among other services. Media outlets directly paid these agencies, which always included life insurance policie s and accident policies so that reporters received medical attention in case they needed it. This system worked properly during the administrations of Presidents Salinas , Ernesto Zedillo , Vicente Fox , Felipe Calderón , and Enrique Peña Nieto but stopped operating when López Obrador took office. Now, it seems like covering the President's trips is a high-risk job.
No more trips for the INE
During this time, while lobbying and discussing the 2020 budget , counselors from the INE have been informed there will be no trips for a while. We've been told that the Organization of the American States and the Interamerican Union of Electoral Bodies invited a large number of counselors to be present during the elections in Bolivia , Colombia , Argentina , and Uruguay . The head of the INE , Lorenzo Córdova , was in Bolivia on October 23. Last weekend, counselor Marco Antonio Baños traveled to Argentina to monitor the elections. On October 27, counselor Ciro Murayama was in Uruguay and counselor Pamela San Martín traveled to Colombia . Now, it's time to fight to obtain a higher budget for the INE for 2021 .
Aléatica vs. Paulo Díez
The feud between Aleática and Paulo Díez has reached the tribunals. We've been told that the Attorney General's Office , led by Alejandro Gertz Manero , will prosecute Paulo Díez for spreading false information in the markets . What has been previously said will be confirmed by the Fiscal Attorney and the National Banking and Securities Commission : that Díez and Infraiber have broken the law. We've been told that Díez Gargari argued that it was all a plot against him, launched by the previous administration. Nevertheless, the new Attorney's office is charging him.