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Mexican athlete Adair Prieto Gutiérrez
won a gold medal in the Junior category of the Strabag Czech Cup MTB , in the Czech Republic.
With a time of 1:05:16 hours, Adair Prieto won first place at the Bedrichov National Park, followed by Slovak athlete Jakub Jencus (1:07:01), and Polish Lukasz Helizanowiciz (1:07:57).
After the competition, the young Mexican biker commented that it had been both a complicated and fun experience, in which he had the opportunity of competing against some of the world’s best bikers in his category.
“The rain helped compact the soil. I got ahead in the second lap and tried to maintain my position. I am very happy with the result and with my time ,” he said.
The last competition in the European calendar will take place on June 30 in Andermatt, Switzerland .