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For the first time in history, Mexico won a medal in the Winter Youth Olympic Games this Wednesday after Luisa Wilson obtained gold in the 3x3 ice hockey tournament in Lausanne 2020 .
The Mexican athlete was part of the yellow team, made up of representatives from the Czech Republic , Korea , Germany , Switzerland , and Austria , that defeated 6-1 the black team in the finals of the winter competition, which is on its third edition.
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Hence, Wilson made history by winning the gold medal in the competition, in which Mexican representation was comprised of six elements , which in turn were divided into international groups.
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The Mexican delegation also included Ximena González , Alexander Daniel Valencia , Diego Rodríguez , Alejandro Fermín , and Melanie Hernández .
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Mexico participated for the third time in the Winter Youth Olympics. In the first games, that took place in Innsbruck, Austria in 2012 , José Montiel represented the country, while in the Lillehammer, Norway 2016 games , Jocelyn McGillivray and Fernando Soto did the same.
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