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Mexican gymnast Alexa Moreno
won bronze at the 2019 Korea Cup Samdasoo , organized by the Korean Federation, with a score of 14.37 in the vault category. However, Moreno will not be participating in the Lima Pan American Games this year.
The athlete from Baja California was left out of the Pan American Games due to an injury that prevented her from attending the final evaluation of the Mexican Gymnastics Federation . “One more competition, one more experience. What’s to come is not going to be easy, but I have to face it,” wrote Alexa in her social media.
Local gymnast Yeo Seojeong won gold at the Samdasoo Cup, with a score of 14.817 points. Uzbekistan athlete Chusovitina Oksana won the silver medal, with 14.550 points.
“That Korean girl is amazing, she completed a unique jump and she did it very well, I offer her my most sincere congratulations,” Moreno added.