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On November 2, 2018 , Alexa Moreno became the first Mexican to win a medal in a Gymnastics World Cup .
Next to Simone Biles , the most awarded gymnast in history, Alexa Moreno collected front pages with her heroic feat.
The bronze medal she won in Doha was not considered for some time in the assessment to designate the winners of Mexico’s 2018 National Sports Award .
Justice for the gymnast came a year later when she was granted the 2019 National Sports Award , the highest distinction a Mexican athlete can receive from the government.
Just as many women who compete professionally in sports events, Alexa’s body has been subject to scrutiny since the 2016 Río Olympic Games .
People in social networks tried to humiliate her for considering she did not have the body of a gymnast.
Alexa fought back the trashcan of negative commentaries in which Twitter and Facebook can become with her extraordinary results in the Olympic process . She has been an example of how effort, discipline, and a lot of talent can make all your dreams come true and silence all your critics.
24-years-old Alexa Moreno
, who was born in Baja California and studies Architecture, worked hard to win a place in the Tokyo 2020 team .
Did you know
The Mexican gymnast won her first medal in an international competition in Pacific Rim 2010, a competition that gathers gymnasts from countries of the Pacific Alliance , in Melbourne.
In her first year as a senior, Alexa classified to the vaulting final of the 2011 Tokyo World Cup , where she scored 14,733 , ending in seventh place.
In 2012 , she competed in the World Cup where she won a silver medal in vaulting with a 14,412 score.
In the 2012 Belgium Challenger Cup , she conquered the vaulting competition with a 14,512 score that got her the gold medal.
Did you know Alexa Moreno won a medal at
In Nanning 2014 , a bad execution left her in the seventh place of eight competitors, while in Glasgow 2015 , she ended seventh with a 14,666 score.
With the 2019 National Sports Award , Moreno will receive an economic stimulus of MXN $796 thousand , as well as the rest of the winners:
Paralympic sport
: swimmer Diego López Díaz
: Alfonso Victoria Espinosa de los Monteros
: César Fernando Valenzuela Gómez
Sporting merit
: Paola Milagros Espinosa Sánchez
: Víctor Tello
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