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is one of the most cherished islands in Quintana Roo . Its calm seas with myriad shades of blue, beaches of white sand, and relaxing atmosphere attract tourists from all around the world. This paradise of the Mexican Caribbean is found within the Yum Balam Flora and Fauna Protection Area upstate.
This area is home to tropical jungles, mangroves, cenotes, estuaries, and coastal lagoons that are a refuge for sharks, sea turtles, and crocodiles . On land, there are jaguars, howler monkeys, spider monkeys, boars, and red brocket deer. Visitors may also find flamingos, toucans, and peregrine falcons.
Through a series of bans and regulations , Mexico will reinforce the environmental protection of Yum Balam to avoid its touristic exploitation.
The measures were included in the new “Yum Balam Management Program,” published by the Ministry of the Environment (SEMARNAT) . Said measures ban the use of disposable and plastic materials in the area, the construction of airstrips, golf courses, and large buildings, as well as sewage discharge at sea, and damage to coral reefs, beaches, dunes, and mangroves.
In other words, people will be banned from entering Holbox with disposable containers, PET and styrofoam materials, and plastic bags .
The program is meant to “avoid a disorganized urban development, the creation of new urban centers, and the presence of invasive species.” Although certain touristic activities will be permitted, they will be meant to guarantee an ecological balance.