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The Inter-American Court of Human Rights declared Mexico guilty of sexual violence, rape, and torture, perpetrated against 11 women by municipal, state and federal police in 2006. The events took place in Atenco , in the State of Mexico , which was then governed by Enrique Peña Nieto , Mexico's former President.
The autonomous tribunal , based in Costa Rica and part of the Organization of American States (OAS) , determined that during the detention and relocation of the 11 women to a prison on May 2 and 3 in 2006 , they “were subjected to different types of violence , including the sexual abuse of seven of them.”
The court ordered Mexico to compensate the victims and 51 family members with USD $1,496,000 and to USD $30,000 in costs and expenses, among other measures.
The court blamed the Texcoco and San Salvador Atenco municipal police forces , the State of Mexico police , and the Federal police for the events that took place in San Salvador Atenco, Texcoco in 2006 and in the Texcoco-Lechería highway to “repress” demonstrations .