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In the last number of Time magazine , Xóchitl Guadalupe Cruz López , a 10-years-old Mexican student , was distinguished in an article as one of the most outstanding young innovators who use science , technology , engineering, or mathematics to create solutions to problems faced by people all around the world.
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Xóchitl, who is from Chiapas , created " Warm Bath ", a solar water heater made from recycled objects like bottles and rubber hoses, in her own home. “People here have to bathe with cold water. They have many respiratory diseases ,” she said in an interview.
In 2018 , she received the Women’s Scientific Prize of the Institute of Nuclear Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico due to her outstanding skills for scientific dissemination.
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“Xóchitl created a warm bath with the program of talent adoption science PAUTA of UNAM ,” published Time .
In addition to the Mexican, other young persons were mentioned like Shubham Banerjee (Belgium), Gitanjali Rao (U.S.), Fionn Ferreira (Ireland), Riya Karumanchi (Canada), Erin Smith (U.S.), and Neil Deshmukh (U.S.).
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