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Mexican film Los Lobos ( The Wolves ) was awarded at the Berlinale this past weekend.
The film, directed by Samuel Kishi Leopo , was awarded the Grand Prix of the International Jury in Generation Kplus for the Best Film, and was granted €7,500 by the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk (The Children’s Charity of Germany).
According to the Berlin Film Festival , the film tells the story of “A mother (who) sacrifices the moment for the future. Her children are thrown into a new world, with new rules, all of which are recorded on a tape recorder that sets the frame for this intimate play. And together with the two brothers, we try to look for a solution as to how to create a new space in fantasy and reality. How to be a child in a world with a closed door? We feel what those boys feel, at any time in this unique film. We are there with them, huddled and imprisoned in a cramped space, a dirty room with a stinky rug. We learn English with a tape recorder. We want to break out. We are there with them, held up by the hope that soon, we will have a childhood again - that soon, we will visit Disneyland.”
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The jury decided to give the award to Los Lobos “For the very special and creative approach exemplified by this tale, we are happy to give Los Lobos this important prize.”
Maximiliano Nájar Márquez plays Max, Leonardo Nájar Márquez as Leo, Martha Reyes Arias plays Lucía, Cici Lau as Mrs. Chan, and Johnson T. Lau plays Mr. Chan.
The film was directed by Samuel Kishi Leopo and the screenplay was written by Samuel Kishi Leopo, Sofía Gómez Córdova, and Luis Briones. Octavio Arauz was in charge of the cinematography . Inna Payán was the executive producer .
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