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Mexican fencer
, Natalia Botello , defeated the representative of Uzbekistán, Paola Pliego .
With a 15-14 score , Botello was the winner of the round of 128 competitors of the 2019 World Fencing Championships taking place in Budapest, Hungary .
Natalia Botello
celebrated the victory in social media where her euphoria was noticeable after her first match in the Championship.
On the other hand, Paola Pliego decided to represent Uzbekistán instead of Mexico .
Paola Pliego’s cycle of representing Mexico came to an end in the most painful way to the fencer from Querétaro ; frustrated, angry, and with no answer from any of the Mexican sports authorities , and after the blockage she suffered from the Mexican Fencing Federation (FME) .
From both the actual and the previous administration .
Some months ago, Pliego released a letter in which she announced her forced dismissal to represent Mexico after she suffered the mistaken accusation of doping that left her out of the 2016 Río Olympic Games , and was subsequently blocked by the FME to compete both nationally and internationally .