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Reciben como héroes en Saná a marinos veracruzanos secuestrados por rebeldes hutíes; permanecieron cautivos 430 días

Elección judicial: TEPJF ordena al Comité del PJ a reanudar proceso de selección de aspirantes; tienen hasta 24 horas

Gobierno de México celebra liberación de mexicanos secuestrados por hutíes de Yemen; SRE agradece apoyo de países de oriente
Last Tuesday, Mexican diver Alejandra Estrella Madrigal won the first gold medal for Mexico in the 30th Summer Universiade taking place in Napoli, Rome. Estrella Madrigal had an outstanding performance and conquered the 10-meter platform with a 327.65 points score, in the Mostra d’Oltremare complex, during the third day of activities of the student competition.
The student of the Monterrey University (UDEM) outstripped the Korean Eunbi Cho, who registered 281.25 points, winning silver, and the British Gemma Louise Mcarthur, who won bronze with 267.95.
For their part, in the 1-meter-springboard final, Carolina Mendoza and Dolores Hernández ended up in third and fourth place with 242.00 and 240.45 units, respectively. In the 3-meter-springboard final, Adán Zúñiga ended up in the fifth place, with 387.90 points, while Diego García de la Fuente ended up in eleventh place, with 304.40 units.
The National Commission for Physical Culture and Sport (CONADE) congratulated Estrella Madrigal on her achievement via Twitter.