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Colorful Mexican artwork from Tamaulipas adorns several halls of the Vatican Museums and will be admired by hundreds of thousands of visitors who will tour these galleries during the holiday season .
Sotol flowers
made with jute, carved dried pumpkins, finely decorated canes and spheres made with colorful strings were used to decorate the Christmas tree at the entrance of the Pope's museum.
A photographic exhibition of Tamaulipas accompanies the Christmas decorations .
In addition, two monumental nativity sets were also transported to the Holy See , one to adorn the museums, and the other to be placed on the central stage of the Paul VI Hall , the largest audience room in the Vatican.
One of the nativity sets has motives of Marian tradition , and the other is inspired by the Chorrito Chapel, a very popular temple of the municipality of Hidalgo and built on rocks where parishioners claim to have seen the appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Also, the trees have been decorated with dozens of ornaments in the shape of sotol flowers , as well as ribbons and spheres painted with frets and other motifs.
All this as part of the demonstration " Mexican Christmas in the Vatican ", an event that has taken place for the last 11 years.
Therefore, a large group from Tamaulipas arrived in Rome to participate in the activities to celebrate the exhibition, which included a reception with Mexican food and the presence of Pope Francis .
In the Vatican Museum , artwork made by artisans from Tamaulipas was placed at the store, so people will be able to acquire the Mexican pieces.
This is part of the "Hands of the World in the Vatican " initiative, which allows Mexican artisans to sell their products and all proceeds are given to the communities.
All Tamaulipas ornaments will remain in the Paul VI Hall as well as in the Pope's museums until February 2.