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La Banda El Recodo
has been a referent for almost 82 years thanks to its talent and innovation and note ven a pandemic seems to be able to get in the way of the legendary Mexican band and its public.
That’s what its members Ricky Yocupicio and Jesùs Geovanni Mondragón said when announcing their show “Fiestas Patrias – Drive-In,” two of the first in-person concerts of Latin American music in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The “Mother of all bands,” as it is dubbed, is “breaking the bank” not only regarding what will happen on stage but also to ensure the “absolute respect to all health measures to prevent infections,” said the singers in an interview and added they are “really excited to be able to share with people.”
“We already had a virtual concert, and it was really special, but I think it will have nothing to do with that feeling of hearing the yelling, the applause. We’re happy of being able to plan this,” said Yocupicio.
El Recodo called this first concert by Latin American artists “Fiestas Patrias – Drive-In” as a result of the month of September usually being full of celebrations due to the Mexican Independence , which took place on September 16.
El Recodo will give this show next Saturday, September 12 at the city of Anaheim, California.
In order to be able to delight its audience, who has waited for six months for a live performance, the band will give two concerts that day next to the Angel Stadium at the Drive-In OC of the City National Grove.
The concert
Mondragón explained the venue has a capacity for 250 vehicles and tickets, which are sold per vehicle and not per person, cost USD $250.
There will be logistics staff at the entrance to verify there is only one person per seat belt in each car. “People won’t be able to get in like sardines,” he warned.
In order to have access to the venue, everyone will have to go under a temperature check and wear face masks, whether it is the one they bring or one provided by the production, said the singer.
“People will be able to celebrate and dance outside their car as long as they wear a face mask and remain in their cubicle. They won’t be able to greet friends or relatives nearby,” said Yocupicio.
Historic day
“Fort he first time, the whole Banda El Recodo who will visit the U.S. We usually only bring part of the stage because venues where we perform here are smaller than in Mexico, but we want to give our first concerts in these times as best as we can,” said the singers.
“It will be historic, unprecedented,” they both said.
In that vein, Mondragón promised that, in order to allow the 17 members to practice physical distancing, “the stage will be bigger than usual and it will have a hexagonal shape.”
“It’s one of several surprises we will present that day,” he added.
“Some colleagues have been isolated with their families and we will do everything to keep them, us, and our public, safe,” as highlighted the Mexican artists.
The repertoire will consist of their most popular songs of recent times as well as classic hits although they did not mention the titles to “keep people intrigued.”
Moreover, “all El Recodo fans around the world who are not able to attend the event will be able to enjoy it live through a live stream by purchasing their tickets online.” Said Yocupicio.
Although bot artists have years of experience, they were happy to be home at the beginning of the lockdown, but now feel as though they were about to give their first show.
“We’re very nervous and extremely happy to be able to share this with people again,” they confessed.