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Senadores del PRI exigen frenar propaganda de la 4T en Edomex; denuncian que imponer frases de AMLO como nombres de calles es una afrenta

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Ante toma de posesión de Trump, Sheinbaum reitera defensa a connacionales; “México no es colonia de nadie”, dice

Consulado mexicano en Tucson lanza recomendaciones ante posibles detenciones; ¿cómo actuar ante un arresto?

Sheinbaum afirma que la detuvieron 30 veces en su visita a la montaña de Guerrero; “la generosidad del pueblo de México es única”, dice

Inai dice que Pemex debe hacer pública cantidad de combustible que envió a Cuba; solicita hacer una nueva búsqueda exhaustiva
The Attorney General’s Office (PGR) has located a clandestine laboratory used to produce the synthetic drug known as fentanyl and arrested four people during a raid conducted by elements from the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC) and the Assistant Attorney General’s Office for Special Investigations on Organized Crime (SEIDO) , at the San Álvaro neighborhood in Mexico City’s Azcapotzalco delegation .
Fentanyl is the most lethal type of opioid used in the United States
, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) , and gained notoriety after an overdose of the painkiller was deemed to have killed pop singer Prince in 2016.
Resulting from ministerial investigations, members of the AIC and SEIDO located the building and requested for a search warrant, which was duly authorized by the specialized judge.
During the operation that took place yesterday morning, elements of the PGR were able to locate various chemical substances, machinery, and lab equipment used for the production of the narcotic, as well as vehicles and bullet rounds.
The government body informed that the suspects had been captured with due process of law and their human rights were respected at all times. Third parties were not affected.
The objects and individuals were put at the disposal of the Federal Prosecutor’s Office assigned to the SEIDO.