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Mexican painter
, sculptor , and professor Gilberto Aceves Navarro has passed away.
Through its twitter account, the National Fine Arts and Literature Institute ( INBAL ) announced the news.
Gilberto Aceves
was a prominent artist who studied at the National Painting , Sculpture , and Engraving School “ La Esmeralda ” (1950). Later, he worked as an assistant for painter David Alfaro Siqueiros in 1952 and helped him during the process to create one of the murals at the UNAM 's Rectory Tower.
During his lifetime, Navarro held around 200 individual exhibits of his work in Mexico , Japan , and the U.S. In 2008, the National Palace of Fines Arts organized a retrospective of his work, which included over 400 pieces.
Aceves Navarro
and other artists such as Carlos Mérida, Rufino Tamayo , Günther Gerzo, and Mathias Goeritz, among others, were part of the movement known as the “ Rupture Generation .” This movement went against the aesthetic proposed by the Mexican Painting School .
Gilberto Aceves Navarro
is known for his murals in the Modern Art Museum .
Throughout his life, the was awarded different prizes such as the National Fine Arts Prize in 2003 and the UNAM 's National University Prize, and Bellas Artes Medal from the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes , among several other prizes and awards .