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, Mexico’s ambassador to Argentina , resigned on Sunday citing health problems following new allegations of shoplifting after a video from late October showed the diplomat trying to steal a USD $10 book.
Earlier this month, Ricardo Valero was recalled by the Foreign Ministry amid after the incident was made public.
It was announced that Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard accepted Valero ’s resignation.
“ Ricardo Valero is a great person, he’s undergoing neurological treatment and I wish him a speedy recovery,” Foreign Minister wrote on Twitter.
Furthermore, the recent shoplifting allegation involves the theft of a shirt at a duty-free shop at Buenos Aires’ international airport on December 10, according to Argentinian media, just two days after he was recalled from his post.
Roberto Velasco
, the Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson , shared a message on Twitter, where he explains that Valero is receiving medical attention with the support of his family and showed a document where a doctor states that Ricardo Valero developed a frontal lobe syndrome , which results in behavioral , affective , and cognitive symptoms since 2012 when he was diagnosed with a brain tumor .
According to the doctor, in time, the Mexican diplomat has lost neuronal tissue , as a result of the tumor and the surgery to remove it. She emphasized that the syndrome worsened this year, causing behavioral alterations and impulsiveness .