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A group of Hollywood executives recently asked Mexican actor Luis Gerardo Méndez if he had a story to tell, to which he replied:“No! I’m an actor!”
The famous protagonist of “Nosotros los nobles” and the Netflix success “Club de Cuervos” has wanted to extend his working range outside of Mexico for a long time. Fortunately, Hollywood received him with open arms.
The actor started working on a joint project with Mexican writer Eduardo Cisneros, producer Jason Shuman, and film director Luke Greenfield .
The new film, produced by Focus Features , will be called “Half Brothers” and will star Luis Gerardo Méndez.
According to the Deadline website, Méndez will play a man who grew up admiring his father in Mexico until the man had to cross the border to find a job and never returned.
One day, he is told that his father is on his death bed and he must now go to Chicago to meet his stepbrother, whom he did not know about. The step brother will be played by Connor del Río.
“This movie is a metaphor of who we are, both as Mexicans and Americans,” Méndez said in an interview.
“We’ve been told many times that we are different and we must be apart; when you keep hearing something over and over, you start to believe it, somehow. In the past four years, I’ve had the opportunity to spend a lot of time both in Los Angeles and Mexico. The more Americans I get to know, the more I realize we are the same. Exactly the same,” the actor claimed.

This week, Netflix will launch a new film called “Murder Mystery,” starring Jennifer Aniston, Adam Sandler, and Luis Gerardo Méndez.
The Mexican actor will also appear in a new remake of “Charlie’s Angels.”