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Journalist Carlos Loret de Mola revealed that the home President Andrés Manuel López Obrador used as his transition headquarters in 2019 was owned by José de Jesús Hernández Torres, a politician who has collaborated with Manuel Bartlett, the CFE director, for 49 years.
The stately home has been owned by Top Real Estate Company S.A. de C.V. since 1997, where Hernández Torres owns 60% of the shares; moreover, he is León Bartlett ’s business partner.
During López Obrador’s presidential campaign , Morena paid MXN $130,000 in rent per month for 16 months. When President López Obrador took office and moved to the National Palace, the home became Morena’s headquarters .
A month and a half after Andrés Manuel López Obrador won the election, Morena’s leader Yeidckol Polevnsky said that to avoid paying rent, the political party would purchase the property ; the operation took place but the seller’s name was never revealed.
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Later, the leading party said that the building would become a museum about the current government.
José de Jesús Hernández
has occupied positions designated by CFE director Manuel Bartlett . According to Loret de Mola, he “combined his political responsibilities with a prosperous career as a hotelier .”
López Obrador appointed the majority of his cabinet in the home located in the Roma neighborhood in Mexico City and hosted world leaders such as Mike Pompeo and several ambassadors.
In recent weeks, it has been revealed that León Bartlett, Manuel Bartlett’ s son, sold overpriced ventilators to the IMSS and that his company was directly awarded several government contracts worth millions.
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