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The knife attack perpetrated on Friday night in the center of Brussels against two soldiers is considered a " terrorist attack ," according to the Belgian federal prosecutor .
"We think it's a terrorist attack," a prosecutor's spokeswoman said. The man, who was shot during the assault by the army in response to the knife attack," has died," she added.
He “shouted twice ' Allahu Akbar '" (' God is greatest ', in Arabic) before attacking the soldiers, according to the Belgian federal prosecutor.
One of the soldiers was "slightly" injured , according to the federal prosecutor's office, which launched an investigation on " attempted murder in a terrorist context ".
The attack took place shortly after 8 pm (18H00 GMT) on an avenue in the center of Brussels, near the Grand Place ( Grote Markt ) of the capital.
Police cordon off the streets to secure the site, according to an AFP reporter on the site.
A similar incident occurred Friday afternoon in London where a man was arrested after he injured two officers with a knife in front of Buckingham Palace , the residence of Queen Elizabeth II .