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Trabajadores del Poder Judicial denuncian violación a derechos por recorte presupuestal; analizan paro de labores
¡Ay nanita! 2025 alcanza récord por frío al llegar a -23°; temperatura mínima registrada desde hace 10 años
Por violencia o migración, INE perfila zonas de atención para elección judicial; falta determinar total de casillas
Buscadoras, activistas y periodistas piden reunión con Sheinbaum; denuncian desplazamiento y hasta feminicidio por su labor
Lowering the curtain at Los Pinos
President Peña Nieto
is lowering the curtain so that he steps back from the spotlight, starting on December 1. We've been told the President is preparing a message for the country, the last one, where he will say goodbye to Mexicans . The President worked on the content on Monday, with the idea of haring the message on Thursday. Today, he will travel to Sinaloa and Sonora and will come back to attend a private dinner with the journalist that accompanied him during his presidential term. He will host his last official event on Wednesday when he will announce the promotion of members of the Presidential Guard , that will disappear in the next administration. On Thursday, he will fly to Buenos Aires to witness the signing of the new NAFTA deal and will be back to Mexico before midnight. Little by little, they are lowering the curtain at Los Pinos ...
AMLO and the teachers
We've been told that Andrés Manuel López Obrador met with some SNTE groups yesterday. We've been told that the teachers showed the President-elect its strength. Around 300 people linked to Elba Esther Gordillo halted the transit in front of his transition home, and that Mr. Andrés Manuel said hello from his balcony, while the teachers asked the president to meet at a hotel in the Roma neighborhood , where SNTE coordinators from all over the country were present to give their education reform proposal to AMLO , and to tell him that they will work with him in his transformation project. We've been told that a key issue mentioned during both meetings was the dispute for the union's leadership .
Morena legislators escape
We've been told that in a matter of hours, Morena Senators and Deputies will start escaping from Congress to take their positions in the new administration. In the leave of absence list in both chambers are Rocío Nahle , the incoming Energy Ministe r; Olga Sánchez Cordero , the incoming Internal Affairs Minister ; Horacio Duarte , who is heading towards the Undersecretary of Labor, and Ana Gabriela Guevara , the incoming head of the National Sports Commission . In both chambers, those who have been named as “ superdelegates ” will also request a leave of absence . And, we've been reminded, the list is long. “Bring the substitutes!”, is the call among Morena members.
A woman to lead Congress' General Secretariat
If there aren't last minute changes, Congress will have a female General Secretary in place of Mauricio Farah , who quit last September. We've been told that the Legislative Conference , comprised by the Political Coordination Board and the head of the General Committee, reached an agreement for Gabriela Báez Ricárdez to become the next General Secretary . We've been reminded that for this appointment, a majority is needed, and it's been secured. Therefore, it is highly likely that Gabriela Báez will take her position when AMLO takes office on Saturday. The bad news is that her salary will be lower than MXN $109,000 per month. According to the Congress ' website, this position receives a minimum salary of MXN $156,000 per month, but that was before the Fourth Transformation.