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PAN cede sus comités como albergues para migrantes; Romero pide a Sheinbaum evitar guerra arancelaria con EU

“México no se raja”: Mexicanos se solidarizan con paisanos ante deportación masiva de Trump; respaldan a Sheinbaum

UNAM propone aumento del 4% en salario y 2% en prestaciones a académicos; falta aprobación del personal

Consulados ofrecen a mexicanos en EU talleres para conocer sus derechos; promueven planes ante posibles detenciones

“A resolver”; Senado tiene plan B para elección judicial en caso de que Comité del PJ desacate resolución: Noroña

No hay enfrentamientos en el Poder Judicial: Mónica Soto; defiende denuncia contra juez que frenó actividades del Comité del PJ
López Obrador is ready to party
We've been told that President López Obrador will slow down in the incoming days so that he has enough time to write his speech for July 1 , when he will host a celebration in Mexico City to commemorate his e lectoral win last year. We've been told he has scheduled a few events in the state of Oaxaca this weekend so that he has enough energy for his celebration where he will be the only speaker but several artists and musicians will perform. So there will be a party and a message next Monday!
The ombudsman is facing tough times
Luis Raúl González Pérez
, the head of the National Human Rights Commission, is leaving the institute soon and he is also facing a distant scenario with the current federal administration in the Senate , the government body in charge of appointing his predecessor. It seems that the incoming months will be difficult for González Pérez, who was not given an appointment with the President to talk about his annual report . Until this day, Morena hasn't recognized his achievements so it seems like someone else will be appointed and González Pérez won't be re-elected.
Politicians dismiss sargassum
For the majority in Congress , the sargassum plaguing the Caribbean coasts and beaches is not a big deal. The Permanent Commission is not doing anything to solve the issue and waiting for marines to remove tonnes of algae that pollutes Mexican beaches in Cancún and Playa del Carmen . We've been told that there are differences between hotel owners, authorities, and researchers , who lament the lack of tourist competitiveness and the environmental damages , while President López Obrador and his majority in Congress don't think sargassum is a danger and consider that the opposition is using this issue to criticize the government. Only time will tell what is going to happen.
The Expired Ownership Law could be approved soon
are working hard to pass a bill to approve the Expired Ownership Law and discuss it next week. For now, the lawmakers are lobbying and meeting with federal officials. We've been told that some senators have proposed that the expired ownership process is not indefeasible, that the process starts once the case is being investigated, and that after the assets are auctioned , the resources should also be used to compensate the victims and the Attorney General.