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On Friday, London deemed Uber unfit to run a taxi service and revoked its license to operate from the end of next week.
Uber’s Chief Executive Dara Khosrowshahi
asked London to please work with the ride service. He told employees the company needed to act with integrity but that he did not believe Uber had done everything it was accused of in London.
The British capital’s transport regulator said the Silicon Valley technology giant’s approach and conduct was not fit and proper to hold a private vehicle hire license and it would not be renewed when it expires on Sept. 30.
Regulator Transport for London ( TfL ) said it would let Uber operate until the appeals process is exhausted, which could take months.
Specifically, TfL cited Uber’s approach to reporting serious criminal offenses , background checks on drivers and software called Greyball that could be used to block regulators from gaining full access to the app.
In backing the decision to strip Uber of its license, London Mayor Sadiq Khan said Uber had to address safety concerns and it was important that there was a level playing field across the private hire market.