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The Motul city hall in the state of Yucatán has just announced the creation of a Gay and Lesbian Museum , which will be the first of its kind in Mexico.
“It will be an unprecedented project,” stated the mayor of Motul and PRI member Roger Aguilar Arroyo .
Through social media, the Motul city hall confirmed the announcement and added that citizens had asked for an LGBT+ themed museum for a long time. “The museum will also include other minorities and people who are vulnerable to discrimination,” they said.
As for the gay and lesbian community, their requests had been ignored for several years. Now, the mayor has decided to heed the community’s demands and build a Museum of Sexual Diversity.
The mayor underlined that the project would start to take shape in about a month.
Humberto Flota Zapata
, a citizen of Motul, explained that the museum would likely inspire other places to create similar projects for the LGBTTTIQ community.