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“En algunos años habrá una secretaria de la Defensa”, afirma subdirectora de la Escuela Militar de Medicina

Claudia Sheinbaum, por definir asistencia presencial a reunión "urgente" de la Celac; migración, tema clave del encuentro

Noroña califica política de EU como hipócrita, racista y fascista; se solidariza con Petro ante deportaciones

Magistrada Mónica Soto propone sustituir al Comité de Evaluación del PJ; plantea someter a insaculación a aspirantes elegibles

Magistrado Reyes Rodríguez propone validar registros de aspirantes con promedio inferior a 8; excluirlos es “estigmatizante”, señala
Lawmaker purchases several raffle tickets
We’ve been told that since President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced his government would start selling the tickets to raffle the presidential plane today, one day after a women’s strike, there are people who already had several tickets days before. We’ve been told that a PVEM lawmaker, Ricardo Gallardo , already has several raffle tickets . We’ve been told that the lawmaker showed off the tickets on social media and said he’s ready for the raffle of “the presidential plane,” although in reality, the government will raffle 100 prizes for MXN $20 million each.
Recommended: In 2015, the Mexican government learned the presidential plane would generate losses
Contenders to the INE are nervous
The list of contenders who hope to become INE advisors will be kept secret after it is evaluated. Although 390 people signed up for the 4 seats available, the majority of them didn’t present the necessary documents or requirements ; therefore, many of them, won’t make it to the next stage. Contenders will also present an exam . Everyone is nervous about the results.
Recommended: The President vs. the INE
The PRI forgot about women on March 8
We’ve been told that the PRI ’s executive committee commemorated International Women’s Day with an event attended only by men, where they discussed equality and new masculinities . Although the issue is not exclusive to the PRI, the political party made the same mistakes as many others: organize events to discuss gender but not invite women. Although PRI members argue their intentions were good, they claim it was planned ahead of time and with a lot of care, however, that was not the best day to carry it out.
Recommended: Is the PRI really bankrupt?
EL UNIVERSAL thanks female journalists and photographers
We want to express our respect and admiration towards our female colleagues at EL UNIVERSA L. Every day, they work hard to maintain the newspaper at the top. Yesterday, during a national women’s strike , some of them skipped work and some of them came to work in order to give visibility to the women’s march and the strike. Meanwhile, photographer Berenice Fregoso is at the hospital, recovering from the burns caused by a Molotov cocktail launched by protesters on March 8.
Recommended: Women's Day 2020: Thousands of women took over Mexico to protest