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“Si reforma judicial avanza, avanzamos todos”: Yasmín Esquivel; busca que justicia sea de puertas abiertas

SCJN responde a Sheinbaum tras acusarla de obstaculizar elección judicial; asegura que se redujeron en un 50% sus sueldos

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The L atin American film festival aluCine , which takes place in Toronto this week, will screen several Mexican short films, including " Amor, nuestra prisión" , and "Relato familiar."
This festival of Latin American cinema and art began in 1995 and focuses on the diversity of the diaspora of Latin-Canadian artists . This year, it started on October 3 with the screening of "Ciro y yo" by Miguel Salazar.
The film focuses on the tragic life of Ciro Galindo, a Colombian man who has been persecuted by war and tells the story of violence between the military and guerrillas .
In its experimental bar, the documentary " Relato Familiar ", by Sumie Garcia , will be screened; it's about a survivor of the Hiroshima atomic bomb , who is 83 years old and has an analog photography shop in the Santa Maria la Ribera neighborhood in Mexico City.
Hosted in the Jackman Hall room of the Art Gallery of Ontario ( AGO ), aluCine will screen the short film " Hambre ", by Alejandro Montalvo .
This short film shows the last moments of a man drowning in a monotonous life, who never had the courage to do what he really wanted. The day he turns 57, he decides to do whatever it takes to save his life.
It will also screen "A la distancia" by Víctor Audiffred , where a man, René, brings Adela a valuable gift, which will allow her to say "at a distance" how much he loves her.
Within its program dedicated to the LGBTQ community , aluCine will present Alejandro Zuno 's short film, " Oasis ", a bar where Ofelia enters to search for her husband.
Alucine included a section dedicated to animation and children films, within which " Polvo de estrellas " will be screened, a short film directed by Aldo Sotelo , which tells the story of Adan, who helps his father Hilario to collect garbage.
The five-minute Mexican short film " Amor, nuestra prisión ," directed by Carolina Corral Paredes , is also included; it offers insight into the implications of romantic love in jail, taking the Atlacholoaya prison in Morelos as its setting.
is organized by Sinara Rozo and supported by the Ontario Arts Council, Toronto Arts Council , and Canada Council for the Arts, among others.